You can walk the Lovejoy Labyrinth when you sign up for the Sedona Studio: Paint Your Pet Workshop.

The Lovejoy Labyrinth

The Lovejoy Labyrinth was established in 2006 by Deb Lovejoy (Lovejoy’s mom). She moved to the property and ran her business, Lovejoy’s Enchanted Cottage, from this location. Deb’s clients were encouraged to walk the labyrinth (a walking meditation) before their appointment. This meditation helps to slow down the mind, focus on breathing, and relax in the moment. Walking the Labyrinth put Deb’s clients into a relaxed state and able to enjoy their treatment to the fullest. Many years of love and deep breathing have helped keep the healing vibration of the Lovejoy Labyrinth alive.

A Spiritual Labyrinth symbolizes a journey to a predetermined destination (such as a pilgrimage to a holy site or a walking meditation going in a circle). It represents going to one’s center, setting intention/gratitude, and then coming back out. The journey of creativity is very similar to walking the labyrinth, each artist must get in touch with their center to create their art.

When you walk the labyrinth, you are encouraged to walk slowly, and focus on breathing, on a mantra, or a word.
Walking in this manner is defined as a walking meditation.

Meditation has been a vital part of Lovejoy’s life and art. She is very excited to share the addition of the walking meditation to the Sedona Workshops. As this new chapter starts for the Lovejoy Labyrinth, a new set of souls will experience the walking meditation and get creative with painting. Lovejoy’s Painting Workshops will encourage each participant to walk the labyrinth before and after their painting session. Meditation and painting are very personal processes. Like handwriting or fingerprint, this process is unique to you. Lovejoy is providing the space to explore both, meditation and painting at her private Sedona studio.

As of 2024, Lovejoy will be turning the backyard into Land Art, inspired by the art of Andy Goldsworthy, James Hubble, and Jon Foreman. The labyrinth is the focal point. This will be a project that spans many years. At this moment, Lovejoy has decorated the rosemary bonsai castle with sentimental and decorative elements from Deb, bird feeders, and items Lovejoy has collected over time. A treasure trove of items to explore, that will continue to grow for years to come.

Walk the Lovejoy Labyrinth

Just Walk - Relax - Be Present

1- Take a deep breath, smell the air, look at the plants, relax
Set an intention, focus or mantra
Tip: There is a box of cards, that says “Lovejoy’s Enchanted Cottage”
Open the box, pick a card, read it, return the card, walk the labyrinth with the focus on the message from the card

2- Focus on your breathing/mantra/intention,
Take 1 step at a time and walk the path
Optional: Walking sticks are provided to aid your stability while you focus on breathing deeply
Tip: if you mess up and think of something else, no big deal, breathe and keep going

3- Go at your Pace (It’s not a race)
Optional: Use your earbuds and listen to relaxing music

4- Walk the path to the center
When at the center, State something you are grateful for or state your mantra/intention
Tip: You can state your intention out loud or in your head

5- Turn around, focus on your breathing/intention, and walk the same path back out.
Tip: Take your time, this path back out is important too

Thank you for Walking the Lovejoy Labyrinth

Lovejoy Labyrinth Etiquette

This is a private residence, in a quiet neighborhood.
Please talk at a respectful volume
Use earbuds if you want to listen to music or talk on the phone.

No smoking on the property.

Neighborhood noises are unavoidable
These are merely opportunities to focus inward and tune it out.

You can WALK or DANCE the path on the labyrinth,
Please be mindful of the tight path so you don’t bump into others or the centerpiece

Please do not run or push past people on the path
If you encounter another person on your path in the labyrinth, be patient.
If you want to pass, It’s ok to step out of the path to step around another person.

FYI: It is disrespectful to cut across the paths to the center or to exit.
Please utilize the labyrinth for its intended purpose.

Please take photos & create memories.
You are welcome to photograph the Labyrinth and tag it as #lovejoylabyrinth

Elements of the Lovejoy Labyrinth

The Sun - The labyrinth is in the sun for most of the day, the sun is most intense in the afternoon. (June-oct)
Please protect your skin, wear sunscreen, a hat, or a long jacket just while walking the labyrinth.
The painting studio has climate control.

Snow, Cold or Rain - During the winter months, unless you want to walk the labyrinth, Lovejoy will provide an alternate meditation, in a warm space. (Jan-Feb)

The Jasmine Archway
- Step through the portal of Jasmine, hanging in its interior are mementos of the Lovejoys. Breathe deeply, especially if you are here when the Jasmine is in bloom (fragrant from June-October)
Jasmine - This flower holds deep significance across cultures, symbolizing divine love, purity of the soul, and spiritual awakening. Its intoxicating fragrance is said to transport you to higher realms, making meditation and relaxation easy

Lovejoy’s Enchanted Cottage Intention Box - Open the box, pick a card, read it, return the card, and walk the labyrinth with the focus on the message from the card. These cards are from Deb, they are a combination of 15+ decks she collected over the years. Some of the decks are no longer printed

Walking Sticks - You are encouraged to utilize a walking stick. These are great for steadying your walking pace as you focus on internal things.

Hearts Rocks - Due to the way the sandstone breaks, you can find heart rocks when hiking in Red Rock Country.

The Rosemary Bonsai Castle - This is the home and playground to the birds, cats, insects, javelinas, and squirrels.
Rosemary - Rosemary is an evergreen plant that is commonly used in a wide range of culinary dishes. However, it also has a long history as a potent magical herb with a wide variety of uses including purification, improving memory, and attracting love

Wild Birds - There are over 16 species of birds that visit the labyrinth and the feeders. It’s very relaxing to listen to and watch them

Spring Bees
- In early spring the bees come out to pollinate. They love the lil blue flowers of the rosemary. They are drunk on pollen and seem to ignore everything else. If you have a bee allergy or don’t want to do it, Lovejoy can give you an alternative walking meditation option (Late Feb to April)